July 02, 2015
Secret Salon - A Wilde night at Wilde House!
Last Thursday was the hottest ticket in town (even if we do say so ourselves); we threw open the doors to a ‘Secret Salon’ If you follow William on social media, I am sure you will have heard we were hosting a very special and intimate event. We kept the location of the venue top secret and only launched details of the location on the day. You can imagine the surprise when our guests arrived to discover that the venue was our studio, located in a row of unsuspecting, Victorian homes in North West London. A few of the residents were surprised too by the spectacular sight of our beautiful, latex clad ‘Door Girl’! Guests were truly engulfed in the William Wilde experience; the venue was scented with the heady smell of wild roses, semi naked hunks served champagne and canapés to the delighted guests and the walls were adorned with images of William’s deepest inspirations. Each guest was blindfolded, tickled and tormented by our wonderful host Ms Acantha Lang. The bubbles flowed like water, and after the tease the runway show started. Guests were treated to a sneak preview of the brand, spanking new ‘Miss Wilde’ collection which won’t officially launch until September, not only this but they were treated to a VIP discount on the collection, and as a parting gift every guest got to take home a red, glitter limited edition William Wilde eye mask. An intimate and fairly colourful Q&A session took place with William after the show, and just before leaving guests were serenaded by the super talented Acantha Lang. The evening was a truly memorable one, and we would like to thank everyone who came, we’re sure there were a few sore heads the next day but we hope we’ve created some lasting memories for those who were lucky enough to have got a ticket. We are only sad that not everyone managed to get tickets, but watch this space, we had so much fun we may just have to do another one :)
Stay Wilde, Stay Wonderful x

W I L L I A M W I L D E . C O M